4 Key Benefits of Migrating to the Cloud
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4 Key Benefits of Migrating to the Cloud

Updated: Aug 8, 2021

Are you unsure what cloud migration is all about and would like to know more? Learn more about the benefits of migrating to the cloud.

Cloud migration options only appeared on the market a few years ago, but they have displayed explosive growth. While cloud services were worth about a hundred and twenty billion dollars in 2020, they are expected to nearly quadruple in value over the next 5 years.

Once you understand all the benefits of cloud migration, this growth will come as no surprise. So how exactly can cloud migration services benefit your company?

Read on to learn about cloud data migration and cloud migration tools and the ways they can benefit your business.

1. The Cloud Can Lower Costs

There are two main options when it comes to data storage and processing power. You can either do it onsite, or remotely. On-site data management requires a business to purchase all the necessary resources upfront, which sometimes puts pressure on budget allocations.

On the other hand, relying on the cloud can provide access to the same data management power without putting pressure on your CapEx.

AWS clients like General Electric have cut some of their costs in half by going to the cloud!

2. The Cloud Offers Incredible Security 

Security is costly in two ways. First, the upfront investment in deploying effective security measures is costly. Second, allocating resources to manage those security measures can slow down business operations, taking time and money away from normal business.

Most public cloud vendors have built-in access-control security that comes at no additional cost to your business. Additionally, they make it possible for you to interface the existing investments that you have already made in on-site security technologies like VPN, Active Directory and MFA. Using cloud vendors can save a business in both ways. On top of that, it can provide better security.

3. The Cloud Can Scale Quickly

One of the biggest problems with scaling is that it often must be done a large chunk at a time. If a business buys just one processor at a time as the need arises, it will have to pay full price for each processor. 

On the other hand, businesses can access bulk prices by buying many processors at the same time. The problem with this is that businesses either won't need all those processors right away, or if they do, that is because they haven't had all the processing power they needed for some time.

Azure Cloud and similar services offer much more flexible scaling. With cloud computing services like Google Cloud, you can add only as many resources as you need, only when you need them.

4. Migrate Data More Easily

As software becomes outdated, companies often need to transfer the data within them into other applications. Moving between applications can be very difficult if they are not designed to talk to each other. The cloud acts as a go-between for many applications, allowing you to transfer old data as smoothly as possible. Finally, you do not need to worry about data being lost in the cloud since most cloud providers make cloud backup and disaster recovery in the cloud easier than on-premise.

Enjoy All the Benefits of a Powerful Cloud Migration Strategy

We hope that this brief article on cloud migration and other cloud benefits has been helpful. Large, medium and small businesses can all benefit from the cloud.

Want to learn more about what we have to offer? Feel free to get in touch with us today and see how we can help.

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